All the structures of our prostheses are customised and are designed and fabricated using a CAD/CAM system. Here we offer you an outline of the prostheses we work on most frequently on a day-to-day basis. Given the wide range of available prosthetic solutions, please don’t hesitate to contact us to find out about other products or solutions.


CoCr Metal + Ceramic

Zirconia + Ceramic

Disilicate + Ceramic

Disilicate veneers + Ceramic

Zirconia monolithics

Lithium disilicate monolithics

Disilicate monolithic: veneers / tips / table tops

Hybrid ceramic: monolithic / table top / in line / on line

Composite: monolithic / table top / in line / on line


Direct to implants

CoCr Metal + Ceramic or composite

Titanium + Composite

Stump / CoCr metal customised profile

Stump / Titanium customised profile

On titanium interface

Interface + CoCr Metal + Ceramic or composite

Interface + Zirconia monolithic

Interface + Zirconia + Ceramic

Interface + Disilicate monolithic

Interface + Disilicate + Ceramic

Interface + Customised stump in CoCr, zirconia or disilicate

and overdentures

We fabricate hybrids and overdentures for placement direct to implants or on interfaces in CoCr, zirconia, titanium, etc.

We use different anchorings, attachments and terminations with covering in ceramic, composite, resin or monolithic zirconia. Due to the complexity of these treatments and the wide range of solutions and clinical cases, it is impossible for us to give a detailed list in visual form. Consequently, we invite you to contact us directly for further information about this type of prosthesis.



With stratification in resins for gums, thermoplastic resins with a low level of monomer.


In combination with fixed prosthesis.

Other products

Discharge splints

Michigan splints

ATM deprogramming splints

Surgical splints

Whitening splints


Plaza Paola Blasco

Bloque 6, local 10

44600 Alcañiz (Teruel)